Mask for facial cleaning

Mask for facial cleaning

The following are being offered masks for cleaning facial, which are also useful in preparation and use.
Green powder and turmeric and milk mask

Powder = half cup of dry flour flour

Horizontal = A spoon of tea

Milk = half cup

Be sure to mix all the items together.

Make this trend your forehead. Finger.And apply the neck on the neck.

Let the mixture be kept in those places till date and clean it carefully.


Chuck and mix 

This mask keeps ordering Aksar for skin.

Chicken powder absorbs greens over.

By giving nutrition to the milk skin it makes it refreshing and calm.

Mask & Gourmet Mask

A single digit

3 or 4 spoons of gourmet food

Boil the knees and remove the juice.

Bring the yogurt.

Add sprouted curd to the juice of the palm.

Mix all items together and mix together.

Make this mixture your forehead in the form of a lip. Apply on the neck and neck.

Let it stay for three minutes.

Then wash with face and neck cold water.


This mask opens the pores of the face.

Creates a curiosity.

Makes the sixth and stain spots unique.

Provides nutritional skin.

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