Different Beauty Tips for your skin

Different Beauty Tips for your skin 

 *Extra fear skin*

 *Extra fear skin*

Make wheat and dough mixed in milk and wash it after one hour after mixing it like a shaft on the face. This prescription makes the color visible.

*For the neck*

Mix juice with little lime juice in milk. Wash dry with dry water while drying, it will start changing from a few days.

*To soften the face*

*To soften the face*

Mix juice of little salmon in the glaciers every day after washing the mouth, but with the hands rub salt from the face, it will clear your skin soft and color.

*For the bath*

Mixing lime juice and salt in the drainage water begins to shine as soon as possible.

*For the dark spots*

Mix olive oil and grease cream on the face to the face where the marks remain. Use this massage until the marks are complete completely.

*To remove the sixths*

Mix half a spoon of lemon juice, make half a spoon honey, and use twice a week.

*If the sticks begin to collapse*

Grind a lime grind in it, mix a teaspoon with a glossin, a spoon roses, and prepare a cream. Put the night on the broken bars before the bed, wash it in the morning, the sticks will be fixed in a few days. .

*To create brightness in stopping hair*

After a cold, wash a lime juice in a mug water, cool cold and hair only with that water.

*For nails*

The nails will be clean and shiny from the skin of the lime that moisture is available.

*For the muscles*

Rub potatoes or rub potatoes on the eye circle. It will remove the eyes of the eyes. Eat a number of apples every morning and drink a glass of milk after five minutes.

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